- Description
Ethiopia stands as the unrivaled champion when it comes to the diversity of wild Arabica coffee varieties. This distinction can be attributed to its status as the presumed birthplace and the true heart and soul of coffee Arabica. Coffee plants have thrived in Ethiopian soil for countless centuries, entwined with the lives of its people over the ages.
This historical significance holds great importance because it results in an extensive array of flavor profiles found in Ethiopian coffees. The nation boasts seven primary coffee-producing regions, each lending its name to the distinct coffees it yields: Harrar, Sidamo, Yirgacheffe, Limu, Lekempt, Jimma, and Guji. Each of these regions imparts a unique cup profile to its coffee, shaped by the diverse landscapes and environments that nurture the beans during their growth. Our previous article delved deeply into these Ethiopian regions and their coffee origins, illuminating the fascinating tapestry of coffee culture in the country.